About Me

Hello and welcome. I'm Brianna and this is my blog. I'd love to tell you lots of things, and these are the ones that seem to matter most. Please take a look at my blogs and profile, and I was always love questions and suggestions! Check it out and see how you like it and we hope to hear from you!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Trilogies and Book Tracking

Oh, sorry, I haven't written on my blog in forever! But I do have something to recommend for you. More like two things. You can find it here.

  1. I've started a trilogy this week. It starts with Matched. It's kind of fantasy, futuristic, and action all balled up in one. All I can tell you is that Cassia, the main character, is matched with her life-long friend, Xander. She's really excited. Along with that, she meets Ky, but then her emotions are mixed because Ky is handsome and full of secrets just like she is. Read more and find out. Right now I'm on the second, Crossed. The final one is Reached.
  2. The next thing I'd like to talk about is Goodreads. You can show people what you've read, what you're reading, find your friends, and find recommendations. It's really great. Send me a friend request, just look up Brianna Strohbehn. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is an important day to celebrate Moms everywhere. Well, there must be some spirit in the holiday because yesterday, my mom gave me $20 to buy her present because my dad was in the field planting.

So my brother and I walked around Target finding her a present. I found a coupon in the cards section so you texted a number to the TARGET number. I entered the coupon, but you had to spend $25. I knew I had $4 if we went a little over.

So we finished up and went to the register. She checked everything out and it was about $27. The lady scanned the coupon off my phone, but it didn't do anything. She tried for about 5 minutes to fix it, but nothing was working. I was really embarrassed.

Finally, she concluded that the $27 was the price. I told her, "I'm sorry, I don't have that much. Can you take the notebook off?"

She said sure and then I paid all of my allowance and the $20 for the stuff. The woman  behind us said, "How much for that notebook?" after we paid.

The cashier woman scanned it and told her. The woman bought it and gave it to us. How sweet! I think that you woman knew that I was getting a last-minute gift for my mom and that woman had a Christian heart. I'm glad that that woman was there, because that was my mom's favorite part of the gift!

I plan to give back to someone because of that action the one woman did. I encourage you readers to do this because it just made my day although I was very embarrassed at the fact I didn't have enough money.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Today I went to meet my soon-to-be-kittens and they are adorable! There were four originally, but one was taken by the owner's sister. There are still three and the mom. The kittens-one boys and two girls. The boy and one girl are getting spayed/neutered, but one will remain for my cat, Buddy, to mate with. Also, the mother could go with Buddy, too. Anyway, all have the main color of black. The boy has small white markings and the girls are orange-black pretty much, almost calico. We're hoping to get them next month since they'll be getting their operation the Tuesday after Memorial Day! These days are either going to go by slow as slow, or lightning speed, I don't know yet. We're just hoping their healthy and happy to go to our home. I wish I could get pictures, but they don't want to load from my home. To be continued!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Another Batch Of Kitties!

If you've been interested in my cats part of this blog, I'd like to tell you that I'll be getting more cats hopefully Wednesday of this week. (Super excited!) I'll be kind of experimenting with them (on their behavior, not some medicine I created. That would be cruel and I hate when people do that to animals!).

I'm hoping to see results. There are more details on this blog.


Wish me luck!

Tea Time

Well, today was really busy. I had a visit from my grandparents and we had a small grill-out. Then the three generations of girls went to a "tea" which was a fundraiser at our church. Since the dresses were so small, I was one of the models and got to wear several of the dresses. All together I wore four dresses, and they were all really pretty.

Although playing dress up as a kid wasn't always my cup of tea (pun not intended), it was really good to be part of this because it was a fundraiser for our church's women's group.

Another important thing I'd like to mention is at this vintage show, there was our "2014 Bride", who'd been married in January and modeled her dress with her bridesmaid daughter, and I also thought it was really great when she told everyone about her dress (every dress had it's own story). She said that after the tea, she was going to give her dress to Angel Dresses, a place where they make clothes for infants who die when they're just babies. I thought it was really great and something I want to do when I get married.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Catching Up

I've realized I haven't been blogging very much, but there's very good reasoning behind it. My school eventually blocked it after they figure out I was on here, but after I asked today if our tech adminstrator knew any other blog sites, so he just unblocked this so I can write to my dear readers! So now I'm back, and I hope to continue my lives with you!

The Fault In Our Stars

You've seen me write small book reviews on here, but the Fault in Our Stars is the most touching book I have ever read. I am not an emotional person-about anything, and this book made me cry. This book is a must read and I can't wait to see the movie. It comes out June 6!