About Me

Hello and welcome. I'm Brianna and this is my blog. I'd love to tell you lots of things, and these are the ones that seem to matter most. Please take a look at my blogs and profile, and I was always love questions and suggestions! Check it out and see how you like it and we hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


As we all know, Ukraine is having their own Civil War. Fighting against the protestors. Many are stuck in cities with horrible conditions. No things are being shipped in and no one is getting out. Why is this important to me, a girl from Iowa, you ask? Well, this is important because it marks the world and hurts inoccent people. My teacher was showing us pictures of her daughter, who is studying abroad in Turkey, on winter break just two months ago in Ukraine. Just then, people were coming and going in dangerous situations. The Christmas tree was covered in protest banners and there were piles of stuff, out on the streets. Now, in February, no one is coming in, no one is coming out. The cities are on lock down. There's a girl name Luda who was a foreign exchange student at our school. She was from Ukraine and lives in the capitol city where it is very dangerous. Now in college, she stays in the dorms. She tells about people from across the street being kidnapped and no one knows where they are. Grocery stores, banks, any thing and everything is shut down. Hungry people lay on the streets, so do the dead people, who were shot by the police. This may not seem important to you, but it should be. These people are just like you, but they're living in a war and dying. And although we can't do much, we can pray for them, especially Luda. So Ukraine can go back to the way it was, not living in war.


So this year, I started to play volleyball, which I mentioned in the About Me section. Any way, I wanted to tell you a little bit about that. You see, a few weeks ago I got sick and the doctor miss diagnosed so I was running a fever for 11 straight days and missed 6 days of school (it would've been eight, but we had two snow days). When I was well, the next weekend we went skiing with my 4-H group missing yet another week of volleyball. The next week, which was two weekends ago, I was a little rusty, but getting back. However, I missed much information like positioning, which they discussed while I was gone. My mom told me I should've spoke up and asked where I should be, and you should too. Don't feel like a wallflower if you don't want to. Sorry if this sounds like a public service announcement, but I believe that you should stand up, not sit down when you're pressed down. And this weekend, we're going to have a tournament (wish us luck). And all the practice I've been doing better count. Everyday, I practice with my volleyball around my room and on the closet door. It's really helped me with ball control and I hope it helps me at the tournament, too. Wish us luck!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scout: Day 4

Day 4
Today is was my fourth day with Scout and my 3rd encounter. I came out and he came up pretty quickly. I brought him a can of Friskie's which him and Buddy ate, although I was concerned because he wasn't biting down. Maybe he has dental problems? Anyway, I pet him and gave him belly rubs although we didn't have as much contact today. I tried to pick him up (he's heavy) once and put him on my lap. A second time I stood up, grabbed him, and then put him in my arms hoping to take him to the shop so he couldn't stay with Buddy. However, he only enjoyed about 10 steps of that until I put him down. That was about all I did with Scout today, although I'm hoping that he'll like me a little more than he does right now. Wish me luck!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Scout: Days 1-3

As I stated in a previous post, my cat, Buddy, hangs out with a stray whom I named Scout. Many times this new year I've found Buddy and Scout together in our south shop. I'd like to explain a short story about Scout and in just 3 days, it's become a beautiful things.

Day 1
Buddy was down in the shed and I went to go get him. I heard meowing and looked down and saw Buddy at my feet. I still heard meowing and followed it to under the wagon wheel. It was the black cat, Scout. I pet Buddy and gave him many belly rubs to draw Scout closer and he was jut inches away! I was so excited, but thought touching him would scare him away. I was so excited, or so I thought!

Day 2
Buddy was down in the shop again, so I went to go get him. However, Scout was not there. I left Scout a can of food to eat because I know he doesn't always get a lot of food.

Day 3
Today, I went down to get Buddy. He ran to me and I heard the meowing, so I went over to the wagon where he was again. I first noticed that the can of food was long gone. Scout looked at us and then quickly neared. I let him sniff my hand, which he licked kindly and soon, he was circling around me. After he got used to circling, I pushed my hand out to touch him. He didn't mine, so I stroked his fur lightly (it was so soft!). I'd seen Scout roll over before, and he rolled over for me and I lightly gave him a belly rub. Then he rolled over the rest of the way and sat back up. I pet him some more, and then he went away, and he looked very tired. Buddy and I went back to the north shop where I put him away for the night. It was so much more exciting than being inches from him!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Breathing Room

There are lots of different opinions about reading some people say it's "too hard" or they're "too cool" for reading. But, I've found a book that will make you rethink that. The book I'd like to share with you is called Breathing Room by Marsha Hayles. The book is about Evvy, who has tuberculosis and has to go to the Loon Lake Sanotarium. Follow her and her friends on their battle through TB and the road to recovery. Breathing Room is truly great.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Justine Magazine

Recently, I found an new magazine called Justine and just after reading one issue, I love it! Justine is perfect for girls 12-15, an age where it is sometimes hard to find things you like. However, Justine is a step up from your old American Girls (not that there's anything wrong with them), but a little bit of a prep for your magazines life Girls Life and Seventeen. Sure you can read J-14, but in my opinion, I feel like I'm reading the same thing every issue. Justine magazine has completely appropriate material that girls can relate to and also has articles about how to become a better friend and how to improve or organize your life. And don't think a magazine this perfect is going to cost a ton of money. It's only $3.99 in stores and even less on your devices. Try it out and see how you like it. I think you'll like it just fine.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Although this may not be a tip, I wanted to tell you that I love, Love, LOVE cats. I was given two cats by a neighbor this year in late August. One disappeared the week of  Thanksgiving and we never saw him again. I learned from the lady who gave them to us that the brother died in December. That only left Buddy, my cat. Buddy is now eight months old, and weighs around eight pounds. Lets just say he's not the smallest cat you'll ever see. Buddy loves belly rubs and food. He's friended a stray whom I named Scout. A few nights, Buddy has spent with Scout and I believe while I was away at school, Scout taught Buddy to hunt since I found a mouse in the shop where Buddy lives. Do you have a cat? Have you had a cat? Tell me your story in the comments section! I love to hear!

Aussie 3 Minute Miracles

Yesterday, I learned of a new product called Aussie Smooth. Before I had found this, I had been using the basic 3 Minute Miracle. This is one in their new line of 2 Minute Miracles. There are 4 or 5 different ones and just feeling my hair this morning, my hair is very smooth and feels nice. It's not often that I find a product that I like as much as this one. And I can't believe I liked it right away! Hopefully, these 3 Minute Miracles by Aussie can help you with your day to day struggles with your hair. The collection consists of 5 different things to help your hair which include strong, color, moist, smooth, and strong. With these products, you hair is sure to cooperate better. They also smell great! These products rage from $3.59 to $7.31.