About Me

Hello and welcome. I'm Brianna and this is my blog. I'd love to tell you lots of things, and these are the ones that seem to matter most. Please take a look at my blogs and profile, and I was always love questions and suggestions! Check it out and see how you like it and we hope to hear from you!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fair Judging

Yesterday was fair judging. I got 8 out of 9 of the projects I signed up for done. Would you like to hear what I did for each one? If not, stop reading. If you do, keep going. I've got time.

Ceramic Turtle-I painted a ceramic turtle and painted on it with inspirational words on him in white, gold, and grey. He got a blue.

Cloud Photo-Although I should've had a black or brown mat around my cloud photo, I got a blue in photography.

Pillow-After sitting FOREVER, my 9 square pillow was judged and got a blue.

Buying Used-This one is a little longer. The judge judged the whole thing for clothing, but she said it would go further in Consumer instead of clothing, so she changed topics so I got judged AGAIN, but she got me Considered for State.

Chocolate Chip Cupcakes-I made some chocolate chip cupcakes that apparently the judges liked more than me. They gave me a blue.

Ginger Snaps-I made ginger snaps (and not even with my grandma's recipe), and the judges really liked them. She said I should have pictures and explain more of what my goal was. She said blue. Then na, considered them for state. But I was plenty okay with that. =)

History of the French Horn-After waiting FOREVER I got judge on my french horn project with a blue.

Self Determined-My last project that my mom thought would get considered got a blue. I think the judge didn't look it over very much. She talked more about the pictures than she did anything else, but she gave me a blue.

That was the end of my judging and I have to see today if I'm going to state, but we're probably not going to the fair today and I'm so anxious!

Also, shout out to my friends Jordan and Reagan. Happy birthday!

And my cat, Buddy's, birthday is tomorrow.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


So you've heard about my lovely guy, Buddy. Well, after coming back from our 4th of July vacay Sunday, we hadn't seen Buddy. It started that day and continued the next...and the next...all the way until today, and I had pretty much lost hope.

Last year, the week before Thanksgiving, his brother wandered off and we never saw him again. I thought that's what happened to Buddy, but this morning, my brother was playing tennis against the garage door and Buddy walked out of the shop. I guess he'd stayed there that night, but was very hungry, so maybe he'd gone on an successful hunt or got stuck in the corn but somehow found his way home.

Buddy may be a dumb cat, but he can be smart when he wants to be. =) I'm so glad to have him back and I'll gladly give him plenty of love so he'll stay here until the day he dies. (Unless we move, then he's coming with me!)

4-H Season

Well, if 4-H goes on in your state, you know that it's fair season. For my county, judging is the 15th and fair is the 16th through the 20th. Today, I've been working for hours on my french horn history project for music and it's becoming a complete failure. My mom had the...GREAT idea to glue the timeline to my board instead of taping it which made it look even worse than before. But I'll get it done...eventually.

None of my projects are done, and no one wants to help. I have 9 projects, and all my mom wants to do is focus on my brother's 5 projects which he doesn't even want to do which is very unfortunate, but I guess I can't change her mind. I've already made her seriously mad a few times too many.

I guess while she sleeps, I'll go ahead and do my clothing project. I decided to find an outfit themed casual for under $20. I found a long-sleeved shirt with light fabric kind of a blue-ish green-ish color with buttons half-way down the middle. It goes with a pair of long 5 R jeans from Lee's that were really cute and to finish it off, a pair of Emu boots for $4.50.

My mom and I had never heard of the brand so just a bit ago, I looked at them. I got a pair similar to these and I was like. "Oh my, God. I got THESE boots for just a tiny price." And they're in awesome quality and JUST MY SIZE!!! And I promise you, they'll be worn plenty and a few questions might be asked about how I got them by a few of those girls who dream about shoes.

Anyway, very excited, but I gotta go work!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Birthday Week

Hello, readers! Sorry not to've written in so long! I had a fun time with my grandparents and other family this 4th of July weekend. What about you? My grandfather began to teach me archery and I'm sure we'll do more of it when we go camping later this month. My brother tried, but his little nine (almost ten!) year old body can't pull back the thirty-pounder. =)

Now, the reason I'm here is because I'd like to tell you about birthday week. In my house, we have three birthdays in a week, not to mention my grandma's.

My dad's was yesterday. We got him a John Deer shirt, a green plaid shirt (button down), and I got him a piece of wood that said "A father is a person who puts pictures where his money used to be." I liked it a lot.

Yesterday was also my grandma's birthday, but we never saw her or gave her a call, but Brandon got a present and Mom and Dad got cards because Grandpa must've dropped them off and we didn't even know it.

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. She'll be turning the big 40! We were so great that we got her presents YESTERDAY while we were at Walmart because we needed pop and TP.

Anyway, since she doesn't read this blog, I can tell you that because she's going to Connecticut later this month, we got her an airplane pillow, luggage tags, a phone case, and a nice card. The card says, "You must be a really great Mom..."-open it-"because kid's like us don't happen to just anyone!"

It also came with a cool bag with butterflies because she really likes butterflies. =)

And on the 14th is Brandon's birthday. I, honestly, haven't gotten him anything, but he wants a mini ping-pong table. So I'm going to go look into that.

We'll see you later,


Thursday, July 3, 2014


Well happy day-before-4th-of-July! I've been working on my fair projects because our 4-H county fair is in less than two weeks and I signed up for nine! Lately, I've been working on my geneology because that one's going to take a lot. I worked on it during the school year as an EAGLE project, and now I've got to put it all together in a tree. I've used Ancestry, which is really awesome, but now I need to put it all together. I've bought a tri-fold board and that's where all my ancestors are going. I hope to have pictures soon, but now, I need to finish!

By the way, if you're thinking of doing the same, or a family project, I'm going to individuals on Pages like this:

And it's going to go like that for the almost 300 people in my tree. Wish me luck and I'll tell you how I do! =)


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I've got three shows for you. There's kind of two topics or "perks" of watching them.

  1. You can be on the shows.
  2. And you can win things and vote on some things.

Not to mention that they're all funny/action packed. =)

The first show I've got is American Ninja Warrior. It's very action packed with very strong people trying to cross the courses to become the first American Ninja Warrior. It's very fun to watch them to go through the difficult courses to see who wins.

The second show is America's Funniest Home Videos, which is very funny. It's some 25 years old or something and most of you have probably heard of it. Well, let me just say that it's worth it to watch. Very funny, you'll love it, every Wednesday.

The last show is Wipeout. There are some different competitions and themes that they have and the Johns (hosts) are very funny, too.

I hope you check out these shows and like them. And I apologize to any people who aren't Americans who can't watch this show, although hopefully there are some from your country.

Oh! And another show you might want to look into is America's Got Talent. This show is awesome. There's a whole bunch of different talents and it's a show worth watching! So check out this one two!

That's all the time I have, but I hope to see you later on my blog!
