About Me

Hello and welcome. I'm Brianna and this is my blog. I'd love to tell you lots of things, and these are the ones that seem to matter most. Please take a look at my blogs and profile, and I was always love questions and suggestions! Check it out and see how you like it and we hope to hear from you!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Well happy day-before-4th-of-July! I've been working on my fair projects because our 4-H county fair is in less than two weeks and I signed up for nine! Lately, I've been working on my geneology because that one's going to take a lot. I worked on it during the school year as an EAGLE project, and now I've got to put it all together in a tree. I've used Ancestry, which is really awesome, but now I need to put it all together. I've bought a tri-fold board and that's where all my ancestors are going. I hope to have pictures soon, but now, I need to finish!

By the way, if you're thinking of doing the same, or a family project, I'm going to individuals on Pages like this:

And it's going to go like that for the almost 300 people in my tree. Wish me luck and I'll tell you how I do! =)


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